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SOF Week

May 5 - May 8



SOF Week 2025: A World Class Event

SOF Week 2025 aims to be the premier global gathering of Special Operations Forces, industry leaders, and strategic partners. This event will foster collaboration, innovation, and excellence, showcasing the cutting-edge capabilities and strategies that define modern special operations.

Special Operations Forces (SOF) Week is a convention for the entire SOF Community, akin to an “AUSA National Meeting” for the U.S. Army or the “AFA National Convention” for the U.S. Air Force. SOF Week 2025 will take place from 5 – 8 MAY 2025.

Held in Tampa, Florida, SOF Week is an annual conference for the international SOF community to learn, connect, and honor its members. The event is jointly sponsored by USSOCOM and the Global SOF Foundation. The 2024 edition attracted over 19,000 attendees.

Key highlights of SOF Week 2024 included:

  • An expanded exhibition hall, organized by USSOCOM PEO areas
  • Extensive programming, to include senior keynote speakers, professional development seminars, industry engagements, business matchmaking, and non-profit interests.
  • Live Capabilities Demonstration
  • USSOCOM Annual Awards Ceremony and Dinner
  • “SOF Week Campus” in downtown Tampa

Click to view the SOF Week 2024 Event Report for more information.

In 2021, USSOCOM decided to expand the event to a broader convention for the entire SOF Community, akin to an “AUSA National Meeting” for the U.S. Army or the “AFA National Convention” for the U.S. Air Force. Thus, SOF Week was born! The first rendition of this modified format occurred in May 2023.


May 5
May 8
Event Category:


Tampa Convention Center (TCC)
333 S Franklin St
Tampa, FL 33602 United States
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